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​Main Objectives

Main Objectives        


  1. To create an information center through a research library equipped with hard copies of general and specialized books,  textbooks, research papers, documents and specialized bulletins and e-books of more than 6 000 volumes in order to satisfy the needs for the upgrading of knowledge in the convenient and modern environment through in depth reading of contents of various topics of documents, textbooks to seek for new updated knowledge, technical writings, analysis based on guidelines written by renowned regional and international scientists, professors, and lecturers;

  2. To assist in capacity building of technical staffs of all sizes of enterprises: whether small, medium or large ones in the fields of investment, business, marketing, production, management, finance, accounting, and banking in order to fulfill their daily activities in their organizations is the motivated inspiration to establish this specialized Center.    

  3. To assist various business entities in consolidating their ability to do the analyzis, research, study, and to prepare business, sales and overall management Plan through the Training Center for Business Development.   

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