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Hard copies

The Library of TCBD contains more than 5000 books, textbooks, documents, specialized magazines in various topics as follows :

Accounting, Accounting Information Systems, Accounting Principles , Accounting, Advanced Accounting, ASEAN, Auditing, Banking, Business, Business Communication, Cost Accounting, Cost Management, Dictionary, Econometrics, Economics, Encyclopedia, Ethics, Finance and Investment, Financial Accounting, Financial Statement Analysis, GAAP, Geography, Government Accounting, History, Human Resources Management, IFRS, Information System, Information Technology, Intermadiate Accounting, International Accounting, Laws, Macroeconomics, Management Accounting, Management Information Systems, Management Science, Managerial Accounting, Marketing, Mathematics and Calculus, Microeconomics, Not-For Profit Accounting, Operations Management, Organizational Behaviour, Research, Securities Exchange, Statistics, Strategic Management, Taxation.


The Research Library is equipped with 12 bookstores containing more than 3000 books and can welcome around 15 readers.



In addition to reading books in the shelves, researchers can have access to e-books and enjoy reading of numerous e-books in separate monitors. There are three places available. In case of printing need, the Library member could ask the Library officer to print out according to rules established.Anyone who is interested in reading books, could request to be member of TCBD Library. The member card is issued for one year period and can be renewed on request.


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